Dear Customer,

These past few weeks have been unlike any other.  Our priority has been the health and safety of our Dupli family while we provide safe, essential services to our customers.  You can click here to view a presentation of the many of the initiatives we have enacted. The key areas of our plan include: 1) Control Site Traffic, 2) Enhanced Hygiene Protocols, 3) Social Distancing, 4) On-Site Emergency Response and 5) Communication.

As we move, forward we are working to instill daily audits.

Additionally, we have implemented a Daily Pledge. This pledge is signed by every Dupli employee that enters any of our buildings. It is a pledge of health and safety we make to each other.

The goal is to keep our people safe and in the end, our factory open to service you, our customer.

Thank you for your support during these times. It means more than we can ever communicate. We are here for you now and we will be here for you when this crisis passes; stronger then ever. We stand ready to help you grow utilizing the power of print and paper.

If there are any questions or suggestions after reviewing our plan attached, please email or call me.

Stay Safe.

Kemper Matt, Jr.
President, Dupli

Published April 6, 2020